How did you discover VoluntEars?
Been to VoluntEars before, went to Nepal with VoluntEars.
Why did you join VoluntEars?
I want to help people and I want to be a volunteer.
Why did you choose the Ghana trip?
Been to Accra before but want to see real Ghana outside the city.
What were you looking forward to?
Making new friends in the group and seeing new places in Ghana. Learning about different cultures deaf schools.
What words would you use to describe your experience in Ghana?
An amazing experience.
What was your funniest or most memorable experience ?
The market and snails!
What did you enjoy the most on the trip?
Everything but mostly Cape Coast. Slave history, fishing market and beaches
How do you think you benefitted from the experience?
I make new friends and I liked meeting African family. I learned about African culture.
What did you like about the VoluntEars trip?
I like the different two places we stayed and two different schools. Different part in Ghana that I never been there and I really enjoyed staying in different family houses.
How could we make the trip better in the future?
More time at the market.