Sandra O’Loughlin
Wolverhampton University - Sri Lanka – 2 Week Group Trip July 2016 Book NowAsk a QuestionWhat words would you use to describe your experience in Sri Lanka?
“Challenging, thought provoking, fascinating, fun, tiring”
How do you think you benefitted from the experience?
“I think it was useful to see how a different culture treats its Deaf children. A school specifically for Deaf people is something that seems to be losing favour in the UK with more emphasis being put on mainstream education. It is always worthwhile seeing how other people live and things that we consider “normal” are definitely not the norm in Sri Lanka. In the group, it was good to meet up with people from different backgrounds and different ages. We all had one common aim.”
What did you learn?
“I think I learned more about myself than anything else. I learnt that I can rise to a challenge and shouldn’t be daunted – I need to be more confident in my signing – I can do it!”
What did you like about the VoluntEars programme?
“Being able to make a positive difference to the lives of the children at the Deaf school. I liked the opportunity to work alongside Deaf as well as hearing people.”
What did VoluntEars do well?
“The days were well organised and well structured. There was a good mix of tourist activities as well as school based activities. Information before departure was well timed and accurate.”

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