What words would you use to describe your experience in Sri Lanka?
“Rich in culture and experiences, colourful, full of laughter, jam packed days, taste of Sri Lanka, delicious food, a fantastic experience.”
What did you learn?
“A lot! I really enjoyed finding out info from the market, farm and tea factory, things we see everyday but I didn’t realise where it came from. Learnt about different religions and ways of life. How to eat with my hands without flicking food all over the neighbouring person (and how to interpret single, left handed!).”
What did you like about the VoluntEars programme?
“The variety and balance of time at the school and visiting a wide selection of places of interest. It was well organised and communicated with the group clearly. It was excellent.”
The programme for the volunteers is varied, fun and interesting, I think they can easily see where their money has gone. VoluntEars staff were always organised, calm and clear on what was happening (and fun!).”
What was your most memorable experience?
“So many memories; playing games with the local kids, learning so much information, visiting places with a local so you get a real taste of it (market and temples), tuk tuks! The cooking lesson. Painting the VoluntEars logo!!!! I loved learning so much!”

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