Why did you join VoluntEars?
The perfect way to blend volunteering, improving my BSL and have everything pre-organised.
Why did you choose the Nepal trip?
Nepal has it all: culture, amazing places of interest and trekking offered alongside volunteering.
What were you looking forward to?
Helping out at the school and the trek to Poon Hill.
Were you worried about anything before the trip? If so, what?
Not really – its all very well explained.
What words would you use to describe your experience in Nepal?
Exciting, colourful and friendly.
What was your funniest or most memorable experience?
Funniest – Hugh! It’s hard to choose one, they’re all good but having shared the experience with my daughter it’s probably the memories we have together.
What did you enjoy the most on the trip?
Visiting the temples and achieving our goal on revamping the school kitchen.
How do you think you benefitted from the experience?
Improved my BSl and confidence and made new friends.
What did you like about the VoluntEars trip?
It’s well organised, friendly and there’s a wide variety of activities.