What was your funniest or most memorable experience ?
Funniest.. lots of funny times, can’t pinpoint one Most memorable..interaction with the children and the trek.
What did VoluntEars do well?
Exceptionally well organised, but relaxing as we never felt rushed.
What did you like about the VoluntEars programme?
Everything, the opportunity to mix with deaf people, to sample the culture, to see some of the attractions, the trek, the work in the school and the time with the children (it was lovely to see them smiling when we did the activities).
How do you think you benefitted from the experience?
Made us appreciate what we have and the opportunity to give back
What did you learn?
That we are more capable than we thought (re the trek). We learned a lot about deaf people’s challenges and also about Asian culture, food, and toilets!!!
What words would you use to describe your experience in Nepal?
An amazing way to experience the culture and to be able to do something for people that need it. Would never have done that trek otherwise and was delighted and chuffed that we did.
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