Why did you join VoluntEars?
I love travelling and different experiences, plus opportunity to see a different school.
Why did you choose the Nepal trip?
Different culture, seeing a deaf school in a different country.
What were you looking forward to?
Seeing the school.
What words would you use to describe your experience in Nepal?
Very interesting and inspirational.
What was your funniest or most memorable experience?
The hospital! [Omar had some medical treatment half way through the trip. VoluntEars staff accompanied him to ensure all was ok]
What did you enjoy the most on the trip?
Having conversations with a wide range of children.
How do you think you benefitted from the experience?
It was interesting to see a different way of life and how Nepali people approached things.
What did you like about the VoluntEars trip?
Generally a fantastic trip!
How could we make the trip better in the future?
Can’t think of anything