How did you discover VoluntEars?
Looking online for volunteering.
Why did you join VoluntEars?
The experience sounded great, well planned and supported, with the chance to see Nepal as well as doing some good work.
Why did you choose the Nepal trip?
The timing worked for me (I would have liked to do any of the trips bit this one suited me with holiday time from work).
What were you looking forward to?
The practical volunteering e.g. painting.
Were you worried about anything before the trip? If so, what?
Communication difficulties, and getting overwhelmed.
What words would you use to describe your experience in Nepal?
Inspiring, memorable and enjoyable.
What was your funniest or most memorable experience?
The students making jokes.
What did you enjoy the most on the trip?
Playing football and kick ball on the new field.
How do you think you benefitted from the experience?
I used my BSL and learnt more, and learnt about ASL and NSL. Working as a group was really positive. I got to see some amazing sights, learn about Nepali culture, and meet some great people!