Was there a good mix of D/deaf & hearing volunteers on your trip? How did you find communication?
“I loved the variety of volunteers that we had in Nepal. Half from UK and other half from USA. Half signers and half oral. It was a good mixture. We all were faced by some challenge in communication, but it did not make me feel excluded from the group.”
How do you think you benefitted from the experience?
“After returning back to UK, I realized how I was so in the moment when I was in Nepal. Had little worries about big deadlines or any anxieties. No phone for two weeks and a slow WiFi helped me with this even more. Now I am back at uni, ready more than ever to finish my final year.”
What did you learn?
“Culture differences. A bit of NSL and some communication differences. I found their religion very interesting. How some monkeys are considered to be holy. Pashupatinath Temple was eye opening, appreciating how they pray Both for dead and creation.”
What did you like about the VoluntEars programme?
“I really like how everything is organised through the locals. It exposes us to the culture deeply. Not only did it felt like we helped the deaf school, but it was nice to see that we also helped the locals who were part of the programme, i.e. trekking team affected by the earthquake or shopping at a place which served the victims of abuse.”
What did VoluntEars do well?
“Whatever it is we ask, it feels like we will get the full support. If it’s just finding drone propellers or just that particular hat!”

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