Why did you join VoluntEars?
It looked like a great opportunity to see a part of the world I’ve never been to while doing something good for others!
Why did you choose the Nepal trip?
I was asked to join a friend as a companion and the timing was also very good.
What were you looking forward to?
Exploring a new part of the world and learning more about the deaf community.
Were you worried about anything before the trip? If so, what?
Since I had never been involved in the deaf community, I was worried about how I could contribute. Also a little worried about how to prepare and pack for the trip.
What words would you use to describe your experience in Nepal?
Amazing and challenging! Once in a life time opportunity for me to get immersed in such a far away and extremely different culture.
What was your funniest or most memorable experience?
Many funny and enjoyable moments with new UK friends especially at dinner talking about UK vs USA differences!
What did you enjoy the most on the trip?
Most enjoyable would be spending time with the children at the school and seeing how happy they were even with very difficult conditions.
How do you think you benefitted from the experience?
Opening my eyes more to how others live and get by with very little. Wanting to share experience with family and friends, so they can do the same and hopefully we can all find ways to help.
What did you like about the VoluntEars trip?
Really enjoyed the variety of the days including activities and the food.